The Mecca Pool Hall

Located on Belmont Avenue 1964

This was the front and side of the Mecca Pool Hall on Belmont Avenue in 1964. Notice the sign; Billiards, Snooker, Pool. Billiards and snooker were very popular and those tables were always being played on.
Come and get it! Hamburgers $.40, cheeseburgers $.50. Notice the squat bottle of beer on the counter; my times have changed. May1964 when the small change in your pockets was still silver.
Anyone for a game of three cushion billiards? No pockets, just three balls; red, white, and white with a small red circle. How many banks can you make? In the old Mecca the billiard tables were in high demand along with the snooker tables, both of which usually received more play time than the traditional pool tables.
An ashtray from the Mecca Billiards Pool Hall on Belmont.
How about that phone number
AD.78393 still in use today
This is the 1960 Ford F-150 Panel Truck that Richard drove to do pool table service work in the Valley. The picture was taken in July of 1967.
A few patrons enjoying a friendly game of snooker on a 10 ft. Brunswick Anniversary snooker table. You can’t see it, but I am sure there is some money riding on this game. Mecca Billiards Belmont location May 1964.

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